Photos from upper left and going clockwise: (1) huge Christmas tree and iconic SF heart in Union Square, San Francisco, (2) Winter Wonderland decorations at the Harry Potter Yule Ball at Whimsic Alley, Los Angeles, (3) me at a friends Winter Wonderland holiday party, and lastly (4) castle display at Global Winter Wonderland at Great America, Santa Clara.
The block of Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year Day holidays is one of the my favorite time of the year! I love seeing holiday decorations all over, and even more so, I love to go to holiday parties! It's so nice to get to dress up, eat amazing food, reunite with friends and family, and take pictures. 

Anyway, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (cue NSYNC song :P)! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends, and happiness! :)


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